
Oatmeal cookies are a classic treat that most people love, but they are not always the healthiest option. However, with a few modifications, you can make oatmeal cookies a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet. In this article, we’ll be discussing a unique twist on the traditional oatmeal cookie – the oatmeal cookie overnight oats.

What are Oatmeal Cookie, Overnight Oats?

Oatmeal cookie overnight oats is a simple and easy-to-make breakfast dish that combines the taste of a classic oatmeal cookie with the wholesome nutrition of overnight oats. It is made by mixing rolled oats, almond milk, sweeteners, and spices in a jar and letting it soak overnight. In the morning, you have a delicious and nutritious breakfast that is ready to eat.

Benefits of Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats

There are several benefits of incorporating oatmeal cookie overnight oats into your diet. Here are a few:

Convenient and Time-Saving

Oatmeal cookie overnight oats can be made in advance, meaning you can grab and go in the morning, saving you time and effort. This makes it a great option for busy mornings or for those who are always on the go.

Healthy and Nutritious

Oatmeal cookie overnight oats is a healthy and nutritious breakfast option. Rolled oats are a great source of fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. Almond milk is a great alternative to cow’s milk and is lower in calories and saturated fat. The addition of sweeteners and spices makes the dish even more delicious and satisfying.

Versatile and Customizable

Oatmeal cookie overnight oats can be customized to suit your individual taste preferences. You can add different fruits, nuts, and spices to the dish to create a unique flavor. This makes it a great option for those who like to experiment with different tastes and textures.

How to Make Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats

Making oatmeal cookie overnight oats is incredibly simple and requires only a few basic ingredients. Here’s how to do it:


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of your choice (honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, etc.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • Toppings of your choice (fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, etc.)


  1. In a large jar or container, mix together the oats, almond milk, sweetener, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt.
  2. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. In the morning, add your desired toppings and enjoy your delicious and nutritious breakfast.


Oatmeal cookie overnight oats is a delicious and nutritious breakfast option that is easy to make and customizable to suit your individual taste preferences. With its convenient and time-saving nature, this dish is a great option for busy mornings or for those who are always on the go. So, why not try it out and enjoy the taste of a classic oatmeal cookie in a healthy and nutritious form?


  1. 1.Can I use regular milk instead of almond milk? Yes, you can use regular milk instead of almond milk. However, almond milk is a great alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or are looking for a lower calorie option.
  2. 2. How long can I store oatmeal cookie overnight oats in the refrigerator? Oatmeal cookie overnight oats can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2