!0 Simple Techniques To Initiate Stress And Anxiety Relief At Work

Ricky Gervais and the BBC’s stunningly successful sit-com “The Office” has been a huge hit around the world spawning countless spin off’s and remakes.

The fact is that the comic situation transfers across cultural barriers. The exact idioms of the language may alter but essentially we see people in the show that we relate to in our own workplace – sometimes we even see ourselves.

The people are not the only aspect of the show tat transfers, so do the situations the characters find themselves in. Do these two quotes from The Office strike a chord?

Jim Halpert: Because right now, this is a job. If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I’d have to throw myself in front of a train.

Michael Scott: This is our receptionist, Pam. If you think she’s cute now, you should have seen her a couple years ago.

These lines may be funny yet they point to something basic and fundamental pertaining to the work place: stress and more specifically work related stress.

The UK Health and Safety at Work Executive (HSE); the UK government’s Work related health and safety body define work related stress as: “the adverse reaction a person has to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them.”

A certain degree of stress is healthy, t keeps us on our toes and drives us to achieve. In essence stress will cause us to lead more fulfilling lives. The difficulty is here however, is how do we create a healthy balance of stress because too much stress and anxiety is certainly harmful to your health and well-being? What techniques can we apply to encourage stress and anxiety relief in our lives? Stay with me for a short while and we’ll look at 10 simple ideas to initiate stress and anxiety relief at work.

Tune Into Your Body

A simple idea it may be, but one that is the key to unlocking the box to the other stress and anxiety relief techniques that we shall examine. Be aware of the degree of stress that you’re experiencing at any one moment in time. First of all you need to know when your stress levels are rising.

Measure your stress level on a scale of 1-10. While you’re at home find a time when you are alone and when you can lie down with your eyes closed. Put on your favourite music for relaxing or just sit in silence, whatever works best for you. Just let your mind wander and do not seek to hold your thoughts, no matter how fleeting. After 10 minutes or so you should be aware of level zero stress.

this is the gauge for measuring all other stress levels. During the day check into the scale and not the level of tension that you’re feeling: are your shoulders hunched and tense; how does your gut feel, is it tight and churning; is your jaw clenched?

Take time to move

Movement is a great way to reduce stress levels. Just by getting out of your seat and moving around you will find that you will feel a measure of stress and anxiety relief. A brisk walk during your lunch break and a short jogging session at the end of the day will reduce tension. Generally aim to keep fit anyway.

Take time for deep breathing

Simply breaths deeply, inhaling through the nostrils, after holding the breath for a count of three exhale slowly through the mouth.

Take time to use your minds power of imagery

This is another great way to bring stress and anxiety relief into the workplace. Just take a moment or two to imagine that yo are somewhere else. Hear the sound of the sea, create the vivid colours of the sky in your mind, soar of to your favourite place and do not wait for that distant vacation; go there today. The more vivid the images the better this stress and anxiety relief technique will work.

Take time to challenge your irrational thoughts

Be aware of you inner voice and the messages that it is sending to you. Often these thoughts are based on previous mind conditioning and the thoughts will be harmful and create unnecessary levels of stress. For example if you are under pressure to get something done by a particular time you may find yourself thinking” I must get this done or else I’m fired and I’ll need to find another job!” This is probably not the case and if it is then you’re probably better looking for another job anyway.

Take time to plan work into smaller manageable tasks

A large taks can be overwhelming and may need to be broken down into simpler easier to complete jobs. We meet more step by step targets this way and feel agreater sense of achievment after each step is finished. Give yourselfa reward for completing the smaller taks and do not wait for the final task before you give yourself a pat on the back.

Take time to reduce cafine intake

Have you ever seen a two-year old completely wired after chomping through a few cookies or drinking cola? Well that’s exactly what happens to all of us when we take in too much sugar or caffeine. However, unlike the nipper at home we can’t very well run around the office making airplane noises, we just carry the excess stress.

Take time to have a play break

Some professionals keep “squish” balls, or stress balls, in their work space a simple squeeze is all that is needed for rapid relief of stress and anxiety. Other people take a few minutes to play a game at www.addictinggames.com. They’re quick (less than five minutes), easy to play, and many don’t require a download.

Take time to Blow Off Steam – but fairly

don’t think that you can’t vent a little, but just remember words spoken in anger can haunt you for a long time if they’re read or overheard by the wrong person. Don’t put anything in email you don’t want the whole office to see.

take time to understand that a little stress is worthwhile

Finally, remember that it’s natural to feel stress when you leave your comfort zone. Some stress must be endured as you expand your horizons, learn new tasks and earn new responsibilities. That kind of stress may not be much fun, but in the long run, it’s worth it!

The Benefits of Preworkout Supplements: Boosting Energy and Focus

Preworkout supplements have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts, as they are designed to provide a boost of energy and focus before a workout. These supplements typically contain a blend of ingredients such as caffeine, amino acids, and vitamins that help to increase energy levels, improve focus, and enhance endurance.

One of the key ingredients found in preworkout supplements is caffeine, which is a stimulant that can help to increase energy levels and focus. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, which can help to improve mental alertness and reduce feelings of fatigue. Additionally, caffeine can also help to increase the release of adrenaline, which can help to enhance physical performance.

Another important ingredient found in preworkout supplements is amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. These include beta-alanine, which can help to improve endurance, and citrulline, which can help to increase blood flow to the muscles. This increased blood flow can help to bring more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, which can help to improve performance and reduce muscle soreness.

In addition to these ingredients, preworkout supplements also typically contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that can help to support overall health and well-being. These include vitamins B12, B6, and C, which can help to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue, as well as calcium and magnesium, which can help to support bone health.

At FittShell, we understand the importance of preworkout supplements in supporting physical performance and overall well-being. That’s why we offer a wide range of preworkout supplements that are specifically formulated to help boost energy and focus before your workout.

In conclusion, preworkout supplements can help to provide a boost of energy and focus before a workout. They typically contain a blend of ingredients such as caffeine, amino acids, and vitamins that help to increase energy levels, improve focus, and enhance endurance. At FittShell, we offer a wide range of preworkout supplements to help support your fitness goals.

The Importance of Post-Workout Nutrition: How Whey Protein and EAA Can Help

When it comes to achieving your fitness and physique goals, proper nutrition is just as important as your workout routine. And perhaps one of the most crucial times to pay attention to your nutrition is post-workout. In this blog, we will explore the importance of post-workout nutrition and how incorporating whey protein and EAA (essential amino acids) can help optimize your recovery and muscle growth.

After a workout, your body is in a state of repair and growth. The muscles have been broken down and need the right nutrients to rebuild and recover. Consuming the right nutrients post-workout can help speed up recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and improve muscle growth.

One of the most effective post-workout supplements is whey protein. Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein that is rich in essential amino acids, including leucine, which is known to promote muscle growth. It is also high in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) which can help reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery.

Another great post-workout supplement is EAA (essential amino acids). EAA’s are the building blocks of protein and are important for muscle growth and repair. They can also help to improve recovery and reduce muscle soreness.

When it comes to post-workout nutrition, timing is crucial. Consuming a protein-rich snack or shake within 30 minutes of your workout can help to optimize recovery and muscle growth.

At FittShell, we understand the importance of proper post-workout nutrition and offer a variety of whey protein and EAA supplements to help support your recovery and muscle growth goals.

In conclusion, post-workout nutrition is crucial for optimizing recovery and muscle growth. Incorporating whey protein and EAA supplements into your post-workout routine can help support your fitness and physique goals.


Are Indian Masalas Good for Your Health? Understanding the Benefits and Risks

Indian cuisine is known for its rich and diverse flavors, which are often achieved through the use of various masalas or spice blends. While these masalas can add a delicious depth of flavor to food, many people wonder if they are actually good for your health. In this article, we will take a closer look at the health benefits and risks of Indian masalas and discuss whether or not they are a good choice for your diet.

First, let’s take a look at the health benefits of Indian masalas. Many of the spices commonly used in Indian masalas, such as turmeric, ginger, and cumin, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These spices can help to lower the risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They can also improve digestion and boost the immune system.

In addition, Indian masalas are often low in calories, making them a great choice for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. They can also help to control blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol.

However, there are also some potential downsides to consuming Indian masalas. Some masalas contain high amounts of sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. They can also be high in saturated fats and cholesterol, which can be harmful if consumed in large amounts.

It’s also worth noting that some of the ingredients in Indian masalas can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. For example, people who are allergic to nuts should avoid masalas that contain almonds or other nuts. Also, people with acid reflux or GERD should avoid using heavy spices.

So, are Indian masalas good for your health? The answer is that it depends on the specific masala and how it is consumed. In general, moderate use of Indian masalas can be a healthy addition to your diet, providing a wealth of health benefits. However, it’s important to be mindful of the ingredients and amounts you are consuming, as well as any personal health conditions you may have.

In conclusion, Indian masalas can be a healthy addition to your diet when consumed in moderation, but it’s important to be mindful of the ingredients and amounts. Some Indian masalas have health benefits like anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, while others can be high in sodium, saturated fats, and cholesterol.

EAA vs BCAA: Understanding the Differences and Benefits for Muscle Growth

Amino acids are essential building blocks of protein and play a crucial role in muscle growth and recovery. Two of the most popular amino acid supplements on the market are EAA (essential amino acids) and BCAA (branched-chain amino acids). Both of these supplements have been shown to have benefits for muscle growth, but which one is best for you?

First, let’s take a look at what EAA and BCAA supplements are, and how they differ from one another. EAAs, as the name suggests, are the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through diet or supplements. These include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

BCAAs, on the other hand, are a specific subset of EAAs that includes only leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These three amino acids are considered the most important for muscle growth and recovery because they have been shown to stimulate protein synthesis, the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue.

So, what are the benefits of taking EAA supplements? First, they provide all the essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscle tissue. This means that by taking an EAA supplement, you can ensure that your body has all the building blocks it needs to make new muscle.

Another benefit of EAAs is that they can help to improve muscle recovery after exercise. By providing the body with the necessary amino acids, an EAA supplement can help to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, allowing you to recover more quickly and get back to your workout routine.

Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of BCAA supplements. As mentioned earlier, BCAAs have been shown to stimulate protein synthesis, which is essential for muscle growth. Additionally, BCAAs can help to improve muscle endurance during exercise. This is because BCAAs can be used as an energy source for muscles during intense exercise, which can help to delay fatigue.

Another benefit of BCAAs is that they can help to reduce muscle breakdown during intense exercise. This is because BCAAs can help to inhibit the breakdown of muscle tissue, which can help to preserve muscle mass during intense exercise.

So, which supplement is best for muscle growth? Both EAA and BCAA supplements have been shown to have benefits for muscle growth and recovery. EAA supplements provide all the essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscle tissue, while BCAA supplements can help to stimulate protein synthesis and improve muscle endurance and reduce muscle breakdown.

Ultimately, the choice between EAA and BCAA supplements depends on your individual needs and goals. If you are looking to improve muscle recovery and ensure that your body has all the building blocks it needs to make new muscle, an EAA supplement may be the best choice for you. If your goal is to improve muscle endurance, reduce muscle breakdown, and stimulate muscle growth, a BCAA supplement may be a better choice.

At FittShell, we offer a wide range of EAA and BCAA supplements to meet your needs. Whether you are looking to improve muscle recovery, stimulate muscle growth, or boost endurance, we have the right supplement for you. So why wait? visit us at FittShell.com and find the perfect supplement to help you reach your fitness goals.

In conclusion, both EAA and BCAA are great options to support muscle growth and recovery, but it depends on your specific goals and needs. EAA supplements provide all the essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscle tissue,


John cena body building

Many people know John Cena as one of WWE’s most prominent wrestlers. But the reality is that John Cena is also known as a beautiful specimen of what body building can do. John Cena has been fully involved in the body building industry for many years, and he has come to be known as one of the premier body builders of modern times.

Not only has John Cena found worldwide fame as a professional wrestler, he has also found amazing respect in the body building world as a great example of what effective body building can do. He is constantly featured at the Arnold Expo and many people want to emulate his body as well as his workout regimen.

Most people get into body building to sculpt a beautiful body. John Cena is no different. He wanted a great body, but he also wanted to be super strong. When Vince McMahon approached him about joining the WWE, the temptation was just too much to resist. But, really, when you think about it, it’s a natural transition.

Professional wrestlers all have amazing bodies. Their muscles are tight and toned just like professional body builders. They just use their muscle mass for different entertainment purposes. That doesn’t make John Cena any different than Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Cena just chose to use his physique in a different way.

One of the best parts of John Cena’s body building career is that he pursued the sport as a profession. He graduated from Springfield College with a degree in exercise physiology. When he couldn’t find work in his chosen field, he opted to go with professional wrestling in his career path. And nothing could have proved to be a better choice than that for him!

What does John Cena say about body building? The answer is that he advocates pretty much what the other expert say: Choose a program that fits your lifestyle and your goals; never give up on your aspirations; work like you’ve never worked before and always remember why you are doing what you are doing; and make sure that you work all your muscle groups equally.

John Cena has made an amazing career out of his body building prowess. He is truly a beautiful specimen and a great model for what the human body can do. When you want to build your body, you could take a few hints from John Cena on how to build a great body with amazing strength.

The Best Body Building Supplement

The Best Body Building Supplement

How can you define which body building supplement is the best?  After all, there are so many different brands and types that you can use to enhance your body building workouts that finding the best one can be quite confusing.  When we say the word “best”, we should be talking about which body building supplement will give you the best results.

Most expert body builders agree that the most effective body building supplement that you can put into your body is protein.  Protein helps bring all the necessary muscle building enzymes to where they need to be.  Protein can also boost your energy level and allow for more intense workouts.

Whey protein could be one of the best protein supplements you can implement into your workout program.  It’s all natural and can give the best results when it’s taken in the right doses and the right amounts.

You could also choose creatine for a body building supplement.  Creatine also helps combat fatigue and allows for better workouts.  Creatine is naturally produced in your body, so taking a creatine supplement in your body building routine can bring about the best results.

When you are lifting weights in your body building workout, your muscles are under a certain amount of stress.  The body produces nitric oxide to combat this stress.  If you have a particularly stressful workout, you’ll need to replenish that enzyme with a body building supplement.  Nitric oxide can also have some great side effects with sexual health, so if you think this is the best body building supplement for you, by all means, choose it.

Glutamine is another body building supplement that is considered one of the best for the maximum results.  Glutamine works to bring muscle building nutrients to the muscles so that they can grow bigger and become more toned.  

Choosing the best body building supplement has to be a personal decision.  Keep in mind your goals and then pick the supplement that will help you achieve those goals.  Each specific supplement provides for certain results, so picking the right one will make the difference between having an effective workout as opposed to an ineffective workout.

Research different brands and pick a company that has proven results.  There are many companies who claim to have effective products when they are really just providing supplements that don’t do anything at all.  Read different reviews of specific products and then make the right choice for you.  Picking the best body building supplement can truly enhance your workout regimen and contribute to a beautiful body as an end result.

FittShell DETOX


A rejuvenating 5-day body detox plan to keep you going

In the present condition, you can no longer survive a single day without encountering pollution. At work, you may not at all be so sure of the cleanliness of the water you drink or of the food you eat. When dealing with people, you can hardly get away from air pollution, be it from smokers, all sorts of sprays or from the exhaust of vehicles. This greatly affects the health in one way or another. Don’t be so sure that when your body does not visibly react, it’s alright.

For these reasons, detoxification is necessary in order to keep a healthy body which also results to healthy mind and healthy relationship with people.

Our body has its own means of healing and detoxifying. However, when pollutants that enter our body had been accumulated more than the capacity of self cleansing, we are giving our inside mechanisms a hard time. Then the tissues are stressed and therefore lead to malfunction. And because they are weakened, the cleansing process is also affected.

We definitely want a clean body. But we also need to help our system in regulating the body processes. However, you should not wait for your body organs to be stressed out and overworked before doing something. In times when the body lacks the command to keep the systems working, the person must supplement. The 5-day detox plan will do a great help in keeping the body systems at work. The 5-day detox plan will rejuvenate the body as well as the spirit, keeping it clean and toned.

Detoxification diet is a part of the 5-day detox plan. During the period of detoxification, certain foods are avoided. Your meals consist mostly of fresh fruits and green, leafy vegetables. Fats, oil, preservatives and food additives are a big no when undergoing the process of detoxification. Also, meat should be kept off because they are hard to digest. For a day or two, eating meat in any form is dropped off from the diet.

Ideal foods that can be part of your diet are as follow: garlic, broccoli, beets, and beans or nuts. Only fresh fruit extracts can be taken as beverages except for grapefruit. And since water is a universal solvent, six to eight glasses of this should be recommended daily. Water is also a major factor in the detoxification process. It flushes out the toxins in the forms of perspiration, urine, or stool.

Although you seem to eat less when detoxifying, you are assured that you will not starve, and ironically, you will even boost your stamina. It is because your intake is limited only to foods which are healthy and are good to the digestive system.

Detoxification plan should be done at least quarterly. To ensure that you get an efficient one, it will be best to consult a nutritionist or a professional. You should also seek for a doctor’s advice to ensure that what you will do is a detoxification and not addition of toxins to your body.

Through the process of detoxification, the toxins are flushed out in your body and a new set of energy is supplied to the body providing you both physical and mental alertness.

Cleanliness should be maintained not only in the outside, but more so in the inside.

EAA’s Essential amino acids how essential are they?

More than a dozen amino acids are needed by the body for growth, repair and maintenance. Each amino acid serves important functions aside from fulfilling its primary role of being protein’s building blocks. Amino acids combine with each other to form 3-dimensional structures characteristic of proteins. As the primary structures of protein, amino acids then participate in a multitude of body processes such reproduction of genes to digestion.

There are however, non-essential and essential amino acids that one should be familiar with. The list of essential amino acids includes phenylalanine, valine, trytophan, threonine, isoleucine, methionine, histidine, arginine, leucine and lysine.

They are listed as essential amino acids as they are neither manufactured nor stored by the body and thus should be present in the daily diet. The human body cannot make these amino acids using its own processes. Also, any excess of essential amino acids are not stored for later use, hence emphasizing the importance of regular intake. Dangers arise as these essential
amino acids listed above become absent or no longer regularly obtained. Degradation of tissues such as those of muscle or nerve tissues commonly occurs. Other body processes such as those involving enzymes are slowed or if not, altogether stopped. Furthermore, disease states are often attributed to complete or partial absence of any of the essential amino acids listed previously.

Phenylketonuria is caused by a lack of phenylalanine and it constitutes a significant problem commonly encountered among children. Mental retardation, inability to walk or talk, seizures and failure to grow are some of the common characteristics found in

children with the disease. Prenatal diagnosis and screening programs now identify those at risk for this disease. Maple syrup urine disease, so-called because of the “sweet urine,” is caused by a deficiency of three listed essential amino acids, isoleucine, leucine and valine. Histidine is the amino acid precursor of histamine, an important chemical messenger that is responsible for the body’s reaction during allergic or inflammatory processes. It wouldn’t be possible to mention all of the roles essential amino acids listed above portray in the processes of the body. Thus, it is vital to recall that these essential amino acids are neither produced nor kept by the body. It is then important to remember the list of essential amino acids mentioned above when
purchasing foods. Essential amino acids are easily obtained from fish, meat, poultry and dairy products. These foods provide the most abundant sources. Plant foods, particularly beans, supply other essential amino acids like lysine which is less found in meat products.

Are You a Carb Addict?

 It has been estimated that three out of every four overweight people are addicted to carbohydrates.  But what does this mean?  In essence, it means that you have too much of the hormone insulin in your system.  This insulin prompts you to eat often and to consume the wrong types of foods.  Some of the tell-tale signs of carbohydrate addiction include fatigue, mood swings, and migraines which can be caused by low blood sugar.  

       A carb addiction can lead you to consume a whole bag of  pretzels at one sitting, or to indulge in half a cake at dinner time.  Your body is conditioned to eat as many carbs as possible.  Thus, it may seem that at times you’re never really satisfied—no matter how much or how often you eat.

         On the official Carb Addicts plan, you eat two meals composed of vegetables and protein; the other meal consists of protein, vegetables that are not filled with starch, and carbohydrates.  During this last meal, known as the reward meal, you can even eat dessert.   The trick is to skip the carbs for two meals each day.

           The authors of the program believe that, if you follow this regimen, you will lose your cravings for carbohydrates in time.  If your urge to consume carbs does not disappear by the second week of the program, they recommend checking your diet to see whether you are following the program closely.  

           With the Carb Addicts plan, like other diet plans, you need to closely monitor your portion sizes.  All of your hard work will be in vain if you allow yourself to overindulge in sweets—even if it is for only one meal a day.  Also, you need to make sure that the protein you consume is not high in fat.  You may want to eat fish, chicken with the skin removed, or lean meats when trying to obtain a protein source.

            Another important aspect of the Carb Addicts plan is that you are not permitted artificial sweetener except during your reward meal.  This can be quite a challenge, especially if you’re accustomed to sweetened coffee in the morning.  However, it can be well worth the deprivation in the long run as you see those pounds melt away.

             There is no set time for the reward meal; however the authors of the plan recommend that the meal take place in the evening.  This is because it can take 12 to 24 hours for the body to overcome carbohydrate overload.  There is also a psychological advantage to having the meal at night.  It gives you something to look forward to all day long.

             You should begin your reward meal with a salad, such as a Caesar salad or an Oriental salad,  then divide the rest of the meal into thirds:  One third should consist of low-carb vegetables, one-third protein, and one-third carbs.  This formula has proven successful in enabling individuals to achieve long-term weight loss.

              As with many other meal plans, the biggest challenge for those who are on the Carb Addicts Diet is the ability to stick with it.  Dieting can be hard work, no matter what kind of rewards await an individual at the end of the day.  Your commitment will enable you to stay with the program, even when it becomes particularly challenging.

              Surf the World Wide Web, and you’ll find a number of testimonials offering glowing reviews of the Carb Addicts Diet.  But you should keep in mind that results can differ from individual to individual.  While some people might see rapid weight loss with the Carb Addicts plan, others may see only moderate weight loss.   The success of the program may depend on your own individual physiology.

              Is the Carb Addicts Diet a fad?  It all depends on who you talk to.  While some people see it as a significant dietary breakthrough, others view it as just a passing fancy.   Medical experts disagree as to whether the Carb Addicts Diet represents sound nutrition.  In the end, you, in consultation with your personal physician, will have to decide whether the Carb Addicts Diet will work for you.        

7 Simple Tips to Help Fulfill Your Weight Loss Resolutions

…and resolutions.”

Yes, it’s that time of the year again.
Why is it that every time Jan 1st comes around, everyone starts to think about their new resolutions for the year? Or perhaps “new” isn’t the correct word — perhaps “recycled” is more apt? After all, isn’t it true that for most people, “resolutions are made to be broken?”
Goals are a wonderful way to inspire us towards getting the things in life that we want, but more often than not, they simply end up unattained and we get frustrated (again) at the end of the year.
But it doesn’t have to be so.
You can attain your goals or resolutions, but only IF you know how to go about setting them up correctly in the first place. And I’ll give you a few useful pointers to help you get started on the right track…

  • Begin with the end in mind. What’s the end result you want to achieve? Do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to drop 1 dress size instead?
  • Get specific and be realistic. It’s not enough to just say “I want to lose weight.” How much do you want to lose exactly? By when? A better goal is to say “I want to lose 11 pounds in 3 months.” And make sure your goal is realistic. If you want to drop 27 pounds, it’s not realistic to say you want to do that within the next 7 days, not to mention that it’s not healthy to do that! Or if you’ve been putting on the weight slowly over the last 10 years, it’s not quite realistic to say you want to go back to your weight 10 years ago within a month.
  • Break it down into smaller and easier “baby steps.” Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds. That seems like an insurmountable task, but it becomes easier to manage if you look at it as losing an average of 1 pound per week, over a course of 20 weeks. Now’s that manageable! For you to lose a pound a week, you only need to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day by controlling your diet and increasing your amount of exercises.
  • Okay, now for the big “secret” — the missing key to achieving your goals: Write down your “Why” i.e. what are you doing this for? Most people skip this step, and it’s a primary reason why they never seem to achieve their goals. It’s absolutely critical for you to write down the reasons why you want to achieve each specific goal. For example, if the goal is to “lose 20 pounds in 6 months,” write down why you want to lose that weight. And here’s another tip: Make it “personal and emotional.” The more “emotional” the reason, the more likely you’ll be driven towards the goal. So, let’s say you’ve got kids. An example of a good “reason why” is “I know being overweight is a leading cause of many health problems — I will lose the 20 pounds and get healthier so that I will not be a burden to my children, and be able to stay healthy long enough to attend my daughter’s wedding and be there to carry my grandchildren.” A ssuming all these things are important to you, of course. 🙂 But I’m sure you get the picture.
  • “Write it down and put it up!” It’s usually not good enough to just think of the goals in your head. You need to write down all your specific goals and the “reasons why,” and then paste it up where you will look at it every day. Don’t write it down on a notebook and chuck that inside the drawer. Instead, paste it up on your dressing table mirror, or anywhere else that is in plain sight. Remember, “out of sight, out of mind!”
  • Do not be too ambitious. Aim for a loss of 1-2 pounds per week, at the max! Losing more than that amount is bad for you. And it’ll most probably be caused by a loss of water and/or muscle, rather than your unwanted excess body fat.
  • Be realistic and “go with the flow.” The pounds didn’t come on overnight, so don’t expect them to disappear in a jiffy too. And sometimes the weight loss isn’t as fast (or as much) as planned. But don’t get stressed out, because stress will only add on the pounds. It’s important that you don’t think of the weight loss process as “all or nothing.” Instead, think of it as “slowly but surely.” The weight may go up a little sometimes, but if you stick to your plan, you’ll still be delighted at the end of the year!
    Use these simple steps and make a positive difference to your life this year! Best of luck!
  • Copyright 2006 Tracy Lee

Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a common occurrence when a person faces potentially problematic or dangerous situations. It is also felt when a person perceives an external threat. However, chronic and irrational anxiety can lead to a form of anxiety disorder. There are different types of anxiety disorder depending on their causes or triggers.

Common forms of anxiety disorders

Generalized anxiety disorder

A person who has this type of anxiety disorder usually experience prolonged anxiety that is often without basis. More accurately, people with generalized anxiety disorders cannot articulate the reason behind their anxiety. This type of anxiety usually last for six months and often affect women. Due to the persistence of the anxiety, people affected with generalized anxiety disorder constantly fret and worry. This results to heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches, and dizzy spells.

Specific phobia

Unlike someone with generalized anxiety disorder, a person who has a specific phobia experiences extreme and often irrational fear of a certain situation or object. When exposed to the object or situation they fear, people with specific phobias exhibit signs of intense fear like shaking, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and nausea. Common specific phobias include fear of heights, enclosed spaces, blood, and animals. The fear a person with phobia feels can be so extreme that he or she may disregard safety just to escape the situation.

Panic disorder

Also known as Agoraphobia, panic disorders are characterized by recurring panic attacks which are often unexpected. Symptoms are usually shaking, chest pains, dizziness, fear of losing control, and reluctance of being alone. People with panic disorder are aware that their panic is usually unfounded and illogical. This is why they avoid public situations and being alone. A panic attack can be so severe that people may lose control and hurt themselves.

Social phobia

Alternatively called social anxiety, a person with social phobia may exhibit similar symptoms like those of panic disorder especially in social situations. Shaking, dizziness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations may ensue when a person with social phobia finds his or herself at the center of attention or in the company of many people, regardless whether they are strangers or not.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience anxiety caused by a persistent obsession or idea. They tend to avoid experiencing anxiety by resorting to repetitive actions or behaviors that prevent anxiety. For example, a person who is obsessed about cleanliness may experience anxiety at the mere sight of a vase placed slightly off-center. To prevent anxiety, he or she will clean and organize everything compulsively or without reason.


Post-traumatic stress disorder may occur after a person experienced a severely traumatic event. He or she may relive the experience in his or her mind which causes stress and anxiety. If a person with PTSD comes into contact with stimuli (any object, person, or situation) that he or she associates with the traumatic event, he or she may literally re-experience the event by crying uncontrollably, panicking, or losing control. Subtler symptoms include insomnia and avoidant behavior. PTSD may manifest itself immediately after the traumatic event or even years after.

Determining the type of anxiety disorder a person has is crucial to seeking treatment and recovery. Techniques and methods that are used to help a person cope with a certain anxiety usually target not only the management of symptoms but coping mechanisms when exposed to triggers. Only after thorough diagnosis can treatment and recovery for anxiety disorders really commence.

Beating an Addiction

The 4 stages of addiction come in to play mainly when you try to change an eating habit or anything that is self medicated. Food is the most common addiction for the majotity of us – Bread, drinks, Desserts, alcohol Alcohol. Other addictions are fast fatty foods, this is a high addiction. People usually consume generous helpings of steak, burgers, and chips(fries), large salads, which ar healthy but not with great big mountains of dressing. Chunks of cheese also tend to appear as a part of a daily food consumption.

Calories are units of energy, after your dinner you want to be full of energy no feeling tired.

Eating more than you need you start to feel like you are in a different state similar to a slight drugged state, so when you are eating your not really thinking about anything else, which is why it is said when your unhappy you comfort eat.

Stage One – Resistance to change

A certain program comes says, At breakfast each morning try not to have a drink, except water take a beverage every other day, have a soup as a meal instead of something heavier, and weigh your self every day.

This may be scary stuff. You are probabily thinking that you are just fine this old way and that the new way wont be the same. You are apprehensive about doing something new and something different that isnt as easy as the normal way you do things, but you know the way thing are now are producing negative results.

It is the narrow minded view that the outcome of what you attemping will end badly, even though you dont know or havent even experienced the possible outcome yet. It is the addiction to the old ways that have contorded your way of thinking to give up and make you feel justified for doing so.

Stage Two – Begrudging attempts

You decide to join a weight loss program and have obtained information on dieting, however grudgingly, you will try it out. You think – I dont want to do this, I will just pick 1 or 2 days a week were I wont have coffee and a bun on my break, I don’t want to weigh myself twice a day. I really dont want to document everything I eat. I wnat to have my fry or danish in the morning not cereal. I don’t want breakfast in the morning, but I will because I want to weigh XX pounds.

Stage Three – Surprise, I enjoyed it

I actually tried a bowl of hot cereal in the morning and found it to be most enjoyable. For lunch I took a walk down to the deli and had the most delicous soup, that I was quite surprised to have enjoyed so much. For the evening time I had a cup of hot water instead of my usual coffee and thought it strangely satisfying

Stage Four – The new way becomes the comfortable and preferred way

It is very important to differentiate between the foods that were familiar and the foods that you really love, just try not to overload yourself on food to numb the senses. Striving to get the food and consuming it has become an intrigal part of the self medication that you put yourself through. The mere thought of not getting your food fix induces a feeling of anxiety and you become slightly annoyed. You just eat what ever it is to feel comfortable hense the “comfort eating” term. Consider it this way – not drinking coffee and getting a sore head then drinking coffee to relieve the discomfort caused by not getting it, it’s like horse chasing a corrot on a stick.

Having the knowledge of the 4 stages of addiction with help you to be pro active in getting rid of any resistance to making that move described in stages 2 and 3 and all the way to knowing the new way is the comfortable, preferred way.

A Gift of Sight: Visual Perception Treatment for Autistic Children

Autism effects every child differently, so it is difficult to find the exact treatments your child needs to cope with his or her symptoms. One thing that effects some autistic children (though, not all) is problems with visual perception. By using some standardized methods to help improve visual perception, you can give your child the ability to see the world more clearly, making learning and comprehension easier and possibly curbing some behavior problems as well.

Autistic children mainly have problems with sensory overload and distortion. These are some of the same problems many people not suffering from the disorder develop, and so many treatment options have become available. Individuals with autism often find, however, that the sensory overload of the world due to light, colors, contrast, shapes, and patterns, is too much to handle, causing them to act out or shut down in general.  This is sometimes a genetic condition that is simply enhanced by the autism, so if the child’s parents have trouble with reading or have been otherwise treated for visual perceptive problems, there is a good chance that the child needs help as well. 

The Irene Method is one effective way to treat visual perception disorders. This method uses color to create a more harmonized world. You may have heard of these methods if anyone has ever suggested using a color filter over the page when reading to be able to read better and more quickly. This method is proven to work, and if your autistic child is at the maturity level of reading, you may want to try these color filters to see if there is a difference in speed and comprehension. However, it is more likely that your autistic child will benefit from color filters during the entire day, not just when reading. Special glasses have been made using colored lenses to conquer this problem. Not every child responds the same way to every color, so it is a process of trial and error to find out which color is the one blocking the harmful light. You can also choose to use colored light bulbs in your home to help autistic individuals with their visual perception problems. 

This method mainly helps children in 4 areas: depth perception, social interaction, learning, and physical well being. The colors help the child determine how far he or she is from an object, and the world becomes more three-dimensional, helping depth perception. Social interaction also improves because the child feels as though he or she is in a calmer world and can more clearly see and interpret facial expressions. The colors make it possible to learn, especially when reading, and overall, the child will feel better, because it helps reduce headaches and dizziness. By testing this technique and others to help visual perception problems, you can help your child better cope with the world and his or her autism. 

3 Secrets and Tips For Anit-Aging

Anti-Aging, Staying Young, looking younger or just feeling younger is a multimillion dollar industry. There’s a really good reason for it. We have an ever-aging generation. This generation is one of the largest generation on the planet. Naturally, there’s a huge number of this population that do not want to grow old. Therefore, anti-aging products are rampant in the marketplace. But don’t get ‘taken’ by the unnecessary products that play on the emotions of those who wish to look young.

The following are three secrets and tips that will allow you to avoid the risks of buying certain products that are not needed.

Secret Tip #1: Feed Your Face
If you feed your face with anti-aging food on a consistent basis, you’ll find it easier to stay young. Another way to say this is to just make sure you’re not feeding your body full of junk that is sure to perpetuate the aging process. Also, know that if you try to escape the eating step, you’ll grow older faster. The body knows what it needs. Just give it to your body.

Secret Tip #2: Pick Something or Go Somewhere
In other words, get up off the couch, turn the TV off and do some anti-aging activities. This doesn’t have to be work either. Find an activity or two that you enjoy. Walk, run, weight train, ride a bike, get on a pogo stick. Do anything that causes your body to move and exert some activity. This will allow your body to stay young by stretching muscles and keeping you limber at the same time.

Secret Tip #3: Don’t Be A Party Pooper
Mentioned above for the #2 Anti-Aging Secret Tip was finding something you enjoy. That’s the whole secret of this entire article. Find something you have fun doing. Just know this, if drinking alcohol into a drunken stupor is the one thing you enjoy, you are not going stay young for very long. In fact, if you’re older in age and you’re doing this you may not even enjoy staying old. The key to the entire process of anti-aging is to treat your body right and have fun doing it.

Enjoy life, stay young mentally, emotionally, physically and you’ll see an anti-aging process that you’ll be happy about. That will give you the motivation and momentum to continue the lifestyle of anti-aging.

From Pilot to Fitness Expert: The Inspiring Journey of Gaurav Taneja

Have you ever wondered how someone can transition from being a pilot to becoming a fitness expert? Well, meet Gaurav Taneja – a man whose journey from the cockpit to the gym has inspired millions. In this article, we will delve into the captivating story of Gaurav Taneja and how he embraced the world of fitness with passion and determination. Join us as we explore the highs, the lows, and the incredible achievements of this remarkable individual.

1. The Soaring Dreams of a Young Pilot

Gaurav Taneja’s journey began with a childhood dream of conquering the skies. Born and raised in a small town, Gaurav was captivated by the planes that flew over his home. He knew from an early age that he wanted to be a pilot and soar through the clouds. As he grew older, his passion for aviation only intensified, and he worked tirelessly to turn his dream into reality.

2. Taking Flight – The Pilot’s Adventure

After years of hard work and dedication, Gaurav Taneja finally earned his pilot’s license. He embarked on an exciting adventure, flying across the skies and exploring new destinations. The thrill of controlling an aircraft was a dream come true for him. Gaurav’s determination and skill as a pilot quickly earned him a reputation as one of the best in the industry.

3. Turbulence in the Aviation Industry

As the years went by, the aviation industry faced turbulence with changing dynamics and challenges. Gaurav found himself facing uncertainty and tough decisions. The love for flying remained strong, but he knew it was time to explore new horizons and pursue a different path.

4. An Unlikely Turn of Events

Amidst the turbulence in the aviation industry, fate had something extraordinary in store for Gaurav Taneja. A chance encounter with fitness training sparked a newfound passion within him. What started as a curiosity soon transformed into an unwavering commitment to fitness.

5. Embracing the Fitness Lifestyle

Gaurav immersed himself in the world of fitness, dedicating countless hours to learning about nutrition, workouts, and the human body. He began documenting his fitness journey on social media, inspiring others to join him on this transformational path.

6. Rise of “Flying Beast”

As Gaurav’s fitness journey gained momentum, he decided to combine his two passions – aviation and fitness – and created the “Flying Beast” brand. Through YouTube and other social media platforms, he started sharing his fitness routines and aviation experiences. His unique blend of content struck a chord with audiences worldwide.

7. Spreading Wings on Social Media

With his engaging personality and informative content, Gaurav Taneja amassed a massive following on social media. People resonated with his authenticity, and his subscriber count skyrocketed. He became a prominent influencer in both the aviation and fitness communities.

8. The Impact of Positivity and Perseverance

Throughout his journey, Gaurav faced challenges and criticism, but he never let it deter him. He advocated positivity, self-belief, and consistency in achieving one’s goals. His message of perseverance struck a chord with his audience, inspiring them to overcome obstacles in their own lives.

9. From Virtual to Reality – The Fitness Center

Driven by the desire to help people achieve their fitness goals, Gaurav opened his fitness center. It became a hub for fitness enthusiasts looking for expert guidance and motivation. Gaurav’s hands-on approach and personalized training sessions set his fitness center apart from the rest.

10. The Fitness Revolution

Gaurav’s impact extended beyond his fitness center. He organized fitness events, workshops, and charity drives, further solidifying his position as a fitness icon. His message of holistic wellness and balanced living resonated with people of all ages and backgrounds.

11. Overcoming Challenges

Despite his remarkable success, Gaurav faced challenges in balancing his aviation career, fitness ventures, and personal life. Juggling these roles required immense dedication, but Gaurav tackled each obstacle head-on with unwavering determination.

12. Inspiring Generations

Gaurav Taneja’s journey from pilot to fitness expert has become an inspiration for generations to come. His story serves as a reminder that with passion, perseverance, and a positive mindset, anyone can achieve their dreams, no matter how diverse they may seem.

13. Soaring to New Heights

Today, Gaurav Taneja continues to soar to new heights, both as an accomplished pilot and a renowned fitness expert. His captivating journey of transformation and success continues to motivate people worldwide.

14. The Sky’s the Limit

Gaurav’s story reminds us that our potential knows no bounds. By breaking stereotypes and embracing change, we can uncover hidden talents and forge a path towards greatness.

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, Gaurav Taneja’s journey from a pilot to a fitness expert exemplifies the power of perseverance, passion, and the willingness to embrace change. His story is a testament to the fact that life’s unpredictable twists and turns can lead to unexpected and extraordinary destinations.

8 Muscle Building Essentials: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Are you looking to build muscle and achieve a ripped physique? If so, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the essentials for building muscle. Without these key elements, you may find it difficult to see the results you’re after. This article will cover the 8 muscle building essentials that every fitness enthusiast should know about.


Building muscle is no easy feat, it requires a combination of proper diet, exercise, and rest. However, with the right approach, anyone can achieve their muscle building goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, incorporating these 8 essentials into your routine will help you to see the results you’re after.

The 8 Muscle Building Essentials

  1. Adequate protein intake
  2. Resistance training
  3. Proper form and technique
  4. Consistency and progression
  5. Adequate rest and recovery
  6. Hydration
  7. A balanced diet
  8. Supplementation (when needed)

8 Muscle Building Essentials: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Are you looking to build muscle and achieve a ripped physique? If so, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the essentials for building muscle. Without these key elements, you may find it difficult to see the results you’re after. This article will cover the 8 muscle building essentials that every fitness enthusiast should know about.


Building muscle is no easy feat, it requires a combination of proper diet, exercise, and rest. However, with the right approach, anyone can achieve their muscle building goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, incorporating these 8 essentials into your routine will help you to see the results you’re after.

The 8 Muscle Building Essentials

  1. Adequate protein intake
  2. Resistance training
  3. Proper form and technique
  4. Consistency and progression
  5. Adequate rest and recovery
  6. Hydration
  7. A balanced diet
  8. Supplementation (when needed)

Adequate Protein Intake

Protein is the building block of muscle, so it’s important to make sure you’re consuming enough of it to support your muscle building goals. The recommended daily protein intake for someone looking to build muscle is around 1-1.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Make sure to include a variety of protein sources in your diet, such as lean meats, dairy products, eggs, and plant-based options like tofu and beans.

8 Muscle Building Essentials: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Are you looking to build muscle and achieve a ripped physique? If so, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the essentials for building muscle. Without these key elements, you may find it difficult to see the results you’re after. This article will cover the 8 muscle building essentials that every fitness enthusiast should know about.


Building muscle is no easy feat, it requires a combination of proper diet, exercise, and rest. However, with the right approach, anyone can achieve their muscle building goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, incorporating these 8 essentials into your routine will help you to see the results you’re after.

The 8 Muscle Building Essentials

  1. Adequate protein intake
  2. Resistance training
  3. Proper form and technique
  4. Consistency and progression
  5. Adequate rest and recovery
  6. Hydration
  7. A balanced diet
  8. Supplementation (when needed)

Adequate Protein Intake

Protein is the building block of muscle, so it’s important to make sure you’re consuming enough of it to support your muscle building goals. The recommended daily protein intake for someone looking to build muscle is around 1-1.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Make sure to include a variety of protein sources in your diet, such as lean meats, dairy products, eggs, and plant-based options like tofu and beans.

Resistance Training

Resistance training is crucial for building muscle. This type of training involves lifting weights or using resistance bands to work against resistance. This type of training is effective because it causes microscopic damage to the muscle fibers, which then repairs and grows back stronger. Aim to do resistance training at least 2-3 times per week, focusing on compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

Proper Form and Technique

Proper form and technique is essential for avoiding injury and maximizing your results. Make sure to use proper form on all exercises, and if you’re unsure, seek the guidance of a qualified personal trainer. This will not only help to prevent injury, but it will also ensure that you’re targeting the right muscle groups for maximum growth.

Consistency and Progression

Consistency is key when it comes to building muscle. You won’t see results overnight, but if you’re consistent with your training and nutrition, you’ll begin to see changes over time. In addition to consistency, progression is also important. This means gradually increasing the weight you’re lifting or the difficulty of the exercises you’re doing. This will help to challenge your muscles and keep your progress moving forward.

Adequate Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as training when it comes to building muscle. Your muscles grow and repair during rest, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night (aim for 7-9 hours). In addition, taking active recovery days and using foam rollers or massage guns can also help to speed up recovery and reduce muscle soreness.


Hydration is essential for overall health, but it’s also important for building muscle. Proper hydration helps to regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and support muscle recovery. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day, and even more if you’re actively working out.

A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is essential for building muscle. Make sure to include a variety of nutrient-dense foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

The Top 5 Benefits of Nose Breathing and Why Mouth Breathing is Holding You Back

Breathing is something that we do every day without even thinking about it. However, the way that we breathe can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the top five benefits of nose breathing and why mouth breathing may be holding you back.

Benefit 1: Improved Oxygenation

Nose breathing is a more efficient way to oxygenate the body compared to mouth breathing. When we breathe through our nose, the air is filtered and warmed before it reaches our lungs. This not only helps to prevent infections but also helps to increase the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the body.

Benefit 2: Better pH Balance

Nose breathing helps to maintain a proper pH balance in the body. When we breathe through our nose, the air is exposed to nitric oxide, which helps to regulate the pH levels in our bloodstream. On the other hand, mouth breathing can lead to a decrease in pH levels, which can have negative effects on our health.

Benefit 3: Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Nose breathing has been shown to have a calming effect on the body. This is because it helps to slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure, leading to reduced stress and anxiety. In contrast, mouth breathing can exacerbate stress and anxiety, as it can increase the heart rate and blood pressure.

Benefit 4: Improved Sleep

Nose breathing has been linked to improved sleep. When we breathe through our nose, it helps to regulate our circadian rhythm, which is the body’s internal clock that controls our sleep-wake cycle. This can lead to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Benefit 5: Better Mental Focus and Concentration

Finally, nose breathing has been shown to improve mental focus and concentration. This is because it helps to increase oxygen levels in the brain, which is essential for cognitive function. In contrast, mouth breathing can lead to decreased oxygen levels in the brain, leading to decreased focus and concentration.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to nose breathing that cannot be achieved through mouth breathing. Whether you are looking to improve your physical or mental health, nose breathing is a simple and effective way to do so. So, next time you are taking a deep breath, make sure to do it through your nose.